Will you pledge to vote for the politicians who will put climate action at the top of their agenda and will you engage 5 other women in your electorate to do the same?

This is a defining moment for climate action. Who we vote for in this federal election on 21st May is crucial.


Will you take the pledge?


This decade needs committed politicians with bold 2030 emissions reduction targets and concrete plans to reach them. We need leaders who will accelerate renewable energy projects, keep coal, oil, and gas in the ground, and support a just transition for those employed in the fossil fuel industry. We must elect politicians who will commit to climate action to protect us, our homes, and our native wildlife and our ecosystems like our beloved Great Barrier Reef.

Will you take the pledge. We'll send you lots of social media images and posts to help you spread the word. Plus information on how to have those climate conversations and what to look for in your politicians.

We want to engage 100's of 1000's of women!






HELP US SPREAD THE WORD. Will you download our social media tiles and banners - HERE

At the link you will find 6 different images that you can download and share across your social media channels. Below are some suggested Social Media posts to go with the images.

Instagram / Facebook 

This federal election, 1M VOTING FOR CLIMATE. This is the critical decade for climate action and we need committed politicians who will genuinely fight for and deliver on strong 2030 emissions reduction targets. Who we vote for is crucial. Will you take @1millionwomen pledge here  to vote for climate and engage 5 other women to do the same. 1MW will send you information on how to have a climate conversation and what to look for in our politicians. We want to engage 100's of 1000's of women across the country to vote for those politicians who will accelerate climate action to the top of their agenda.




IM VOTING FOR CLIMATE. Will you take the @1millionwomen pledge? We want to inspire 100's of 1000's of women across the country to vote for politicians committed to bold 2030 emissions reductions targets. 



What to look for in your local candidate

This is the decade that counts. Who we elect on May 21st will determine what happens over the next three years, and how Australia will contribute towards global efforts to halve emissions by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050 at the latest.

Before voting, find out which candidates in your electorate genuinely represent you and will take a stand for climate action. Do your research, and work out which candidates will:

  • fight for ambitious 2030 emissions reduction targets
  • are committed to accelerating the uptake of renewable energy - 80% renewables by 2030 is achievable.
  • will stand up to the fossil fuel industry
  • and will do all they can to protect our natural world through decisive climate action

Champion and support the politicians that will fight for you. Volunteer your time, and have conversations with friends and family about the importance of voting for climate action! 

1 Million Women team has pulled together a comprehensive blog with more information about what voting for climate means.

How to have that climate conversation

  1. Starting these conversations can sometimes be the toughest part. Bringing up a news story as a conversation starter - whether it be an environmental or political story - can be a great way to launch into the conversation.
  2. Use a personal anecdote. Stories are a powerful way to engage others on big issues. It’s a good idea to have a few stories in mind. Sharing with others what made you care about the climate crisis or how it impacts on your life, and what it means for where you live, makes the topic relatable. 
  3. Have a few facts and statistics up your sleeve as this can ground your personal experiences.
  4. Make it local. Talk about how acting locally on climate issues is key. 
  5. Ask the person what they think about climate change, and listen to what they have to say.  This will help you engage with their values and will also make the other person feel heard. Every conversation you have will also be different.
  6. And don’t forget to stay positive! We’re all about solving the climate crisis and what's important now in this election is we all vote for climate action! Frame your conversation as positively as possible, for example instead of presenting the climate crisis as a vision of doom, talk about how it’s an opportunity for us to reinvent ourselves and our society. 
  7. Remember to ask whoever you're talking to if they'll vote for climate action in this election. Talk about how this is the decisive decade for climate action and who we vote for in this election really counts. (find out more on why this decisive decade is so important with our blog post
  8. It’s also important to protect ourselves. For many of us the climate crisis is personal and we feel very passionate about climate action so protecting ourselves when having the conversations is about talking to the right people.  It's not worth speaking to the people who you probably won't change the way they'll vote in the election, and who will openly disagree with you - the experience can be draining. Speak to people who are on the fence, they'll welcome someone giving them more info in the lead up to the election.
  9. And while you don't need to convince the people who are on your side, it's important that you move them to action - remind them how important their vote is this election and ask them to have climate conversations with others too.