Last year, Burberry burnt £28.6 million worth of clothing, accessories and perfume.
Join us in asking them to be a leader in the fashion industry by publicly committing to no longer burning unsold clothes and accessories.
We are in a climate emergency, and the huge issue of waste is bearing down on us, with evidence of both visible all over the planet. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world and burning your excess products because you don’t want them sold cheaply in the marketplace is exacerbating climate change and wasting the Earth's diminishing resources. Not only is it destructive and immoral, it's irresponsible and disrespectful to your customers, the people who make your products, and the people who produce the materials that you need.
In a world bursting with imagination on how to solve the climate crisis and deal with waste, just imagine what else you could do with a little creative thinking.
There are better ways of dealing with this issue that will save you money, make you money, and won't cost the planet.
Here are some ideas:
As consumers, we will support the brands that are doing all they can for the good of the Earth and our future, and we’re saying goodbye to the brands that aren’t. Please step up and become a leader in the fashion industry. Be one of the first major fashion brands to stop this unbelievable practice of burning brand new products. We understand that you're not the only brand who is doing this but by taking the lead, you’ll be setting a new expectation for other brands.
People of the world who are concerned about the waste and pollution we are creating and the impact it's having on our Earth and our future.
[Natalie Isaacs, 1 Million Women Founder and CEO and the team from 1MW will be seeking a meeting with Burberry CEO Marco Gobetti to hand over our open letter and signatures (first names only)]