Gift a Passionate Supporter membership by giving a monthly donation

As a Passionate Supporter, your gift recipient will receive our exclusive seasonal digital magazine to help them live with the least impact on the planet for 1 year. Scroll down for all benefits.

Click here if you would prefer to make your monthly donation with Paypal

Other Amount:


Your credit card will be billed automatically every month.


After your payment has been processed, we’ll send an eCard to the person whose details you enter below. If you'd like to send the eCard to the gift receiver yourself, only enter their name and we'll email the ecard to you.

Recipient Details:

Your Details:


Payment Details:

Gift a Passionate Supporter membership

A 1-year long Passionate Supporter membership is a fantastic gift for someone who wants more action on the climate crisis.

1 Million Women is a registered charity and everything we do is to empower women and girls around the world to act on the climate emergency through the way they live.

Running our campaigns, creating our educational articles, videos and images, gathering rich data and research into behaviour change and maintaining our climate action app is done on a shoestring by our tiny team, but we need the financial support of our community. Gift a Passionate Supporter membership by giving a monthly donation. It will help us keep our critical work independent and sustain everything we do to mobilise our movement.

It is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Important details:

After 1 year we will automatically stop the subscription. If you wish to extend the gift membership for someone after that time it's not a problem, we would love that just make sure you get in touch with us ([email protected]) and let us know.  

Since we’re a registered charity your generous gift is considered a donation and is tax-deductible in Australia (meaning you can claim it back on your next tax return).

Passionate Supporter Benefits

Membership Benefit

Our Passionate Supporters exclusive Seasonal digital magazine

A new issue every 3 months packed full of all the best bits from 1 Million Women from that season plus exclusive content including our meat free recipes, DIY videos and all the tips and solutions for zero carbon living.


Membership Benefit


We'll be running giveaways for all our Passionate Supporters throughout the year to help you live climate action.